Choose from...
- $40.00 at the door
- $30.00 for advance tickets
- $80 for all 4 yBR sessions ($20 each)
- $15 per ticket for Students (valid ID must be presented for purchase & at the door)
- $40 for all yBR sessions for Students ($10 each)
- Please inquire about Corporate
Team rates to, or call 305.538.5130.
follow yBR on twitter @yogablissremix
Click here to learn about the entire yogaBliss ReMix experience
What to expect at yogaBliss ReMix
Each monthly session of yogaBliss ReMix, will follow the same format:
- Doors open at 6:00p (general admission) - Participants and Corporate Teams arrive to set-up their mat and position in Ironside, meet fellow participants, enjoy the pre-yBR music by local artists, and engage with Sponsors to receive special offers.
- yBR begins promptly at 7:00p and lasts approximately 75mins
- Social session afterward lasts until 10p - participants interact with each other and sponsors while enjoying food, beverages and other SWAG. There will be contests to enter throughout the series and during each yBR. Winners will be announced during each Social Session
- Photoboard: all photos posted online and submitted to yBR will be posted on the yBR photoboard
Tips on how to have the best yBR experience
- Arrive early! The sooner you arrive the more spaces you'll have to choose from for parking and in movement area. yBR begins promptly at 7p, doors open at 6p.
- Complete and submit your release form before each yBR (one time form for those who purchase the entire series). This will allows through the express check-in and avoid lines.
- Bring as little as possible with you. Just as you would when you go to the gym or to yoga studio - less is best! However, we do encourage cameras. There will be a Shoe Check since we do not wear shoes in yoga, where you can check your personal belongings as well. For safety, the only items allowed in the movement area is 1 water container per person.
- Read the Safety and Yoga Tips. no fun showing up in uncomfortable gear or unaware of important details. There will be a Safety Team on-site.
- Ask questions! Post your questions and comments on the blog for everyone's benefit. Each yBR is loaded with our squad for guidance, information and to ensure you and your squad have the best experience.
- Come with friends & co-workers. yogaBliss ReMix is about Bliss (its says it right in the title). We are most blissful when we experience things with people we enjoy! Plus, you can be the cool one who introduces your peeps to yBR :)
- Smile and be prepared for some musically charged movement :)
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