Sep 13, 2010

How Do I Get to yogaBliss ReMix?

We know inquiring minds want to know...especially when it comes to finding new places in Miami!

yogaBliss ReMix is held at Ironside, which inside the Coverings ETC Miami Headquarters. The address is 7610 NE 4th Court, 33138

Here's the Deal...

Whether you're coming North or South on 95, exit on the 79 - 81 street exit in North Miami and head East when you exit which is 79th Street for about a mile. The train tracks are your landmark which are right before 4th Court. As you cross over the train tracks you'll make the first right, which is 4th Court.  As you come down 4th're there and will see people, signs, etc.

Biscayne: Coming from the north, make a right on 79th Street in North Miami. Make a left on 4 Court before the train tracks...As you come down 4th're there and will see people, signs, etc.
Coming from the south, as your heading north, make a left on 71st street in North Miami. Then make a right onto NE 4th Court...As you head up 4th're there and will see people, signs, etc. PLEASE NOTE, you cannot make a left on 79th street from Biscayne.

See the Ironside location on the map
click to see larger image

We encourge yBR folks to connect with other on our Facebook Page to carpool.

Sep 9, 2010

Are you coming to the yogaBliss ReMix sneak preview tonight?

No....that's ok, the official launch is Thursday, September 23rd. Click here for details
see you then :)

Yes...well please read below:

We are so excited to bring you the sneak preview of yogaBliss ReMix tonight at Ironside. Here are some things to know...

  • This is a sneak preview for you and a test run (rehearsal) of the production for us. So please be patient as there may be some issues that aren't a 100% worked out. The official launch of the yBR series is Thursday, Sept 23rd. Tonight will feature House Music Mash-Ups by Tiffany Houser, who is also the DJ for the launch.
  • Please arrive early. Doors open at 6:30p, and the yogaBliss session starts promptly at 7p and will about an hour. If you come after 7p, please place your mat in the back so you do not disturb the rest of group.
  • Speaking of timeliness, Ironside is really easy to get but we all know how confusing Miami Streets, Avenues, Roads, Courts, etc can be. So if you're coming from 95, when you exit on, 79th street HEAD EAST, and go down about a mile, and remember its NE 4th Court which is right after the train tracks, where you'll make a right and drive down and see the parking lot on the right.

    If you're coming from US1/Biscayne turn WEST on to 79th street, drive 1/4 mile and make a left on NE 4th Court, which is before the train track.
  • Feedback: we handing out a brief sheet to get your feedback on the experience - please let us know :)
  • Tickets will be on sale for the event series at special price for guests tonight. We accept Cash, Checks, Visa, Mastercard and Discover.
  • Tonight's preview is FREE as our donation for National Yoga Month :)

We look forward to putting a smile on your face tonight as you help us create a Blissful experience for Series 1 of yogaBliss ReMix.

If you have any questions contact, or check out our the yBR page in this blog

Thank you and Have a Blissfully Balanced Day!
yBR Team

Sep 7, 2010

yogaBliss ReMix (yBR)

yogaBliss ReMix (yBR)

yogaBliss ReMix is an interactive monthly event series combining movement and music. yBR allows you to connect with your passions, whether it be fitness, health, music, socializing or all of the above. yBR gets people  out of the studio and gym  for an experience designed around different genres of music performed by talented DJ’s and live bands.

yBR is 4 month series yBR mixing yogis, music lovers, gym enthusiasts, professionals, and people who love to socialize in a healthy, entertaining and Interactive atmosphere.

Yoga is led by Cat Haayen, creator and CEO of YOGathletA® and is produced by Blissberry®. Breathe in and Bliss out with Cat who also created yogaBliss in conjunction with Blissberry® - guided sequences to help remove physical and emotional impurities that prevent us from achieving overall wellbeing. yogaBliss not only puts a smile on your face but will have your personal outlook blissed out – beware, it’s very contagious! All levels can participate.
click to enlarge image

Series One Schedule:

  • Thurs: September 9th  - Invitation Only , SneakPreview
  • Thurs: September 23rd
    Tiffany Houser : DJ – House Mash Ups
  • Thurs: October 21st
    Ess & Emm : Female DJ Duo, 80’s NuDisco/Rock
  • Wed: November 17th (Miami Dolphins game on 18th)   
    Angela Laino & A Natural : Live Band, Funk/Soul
  • Thurs: December 16th
    DJ Irie : Hip Hop


     Yoga led by Cat Haayen
click to enlarge image
click to see entire map

Participation information

Not everyone needs a reason to exercise or socialize, but yogaBliss ReMix ensures there are no excuses! Come to yBR with friends and co-workers as this monthly interactive and musically charged movement experience not only puts a smile on faces, but could lead to a healthier lifestyle.

The networking opportunities are limitless at yBR, as corporate teams and individuals meet every month and stay connected online through the yBR Blog and Facebook page – sharing photos and comments, and viewing each  yBR video.

  • $40.00 at the door
  • $30.00 for advance tickets
  • $80 for all 4 yBR sessions ($20 each)
  • $15 per ticket for Students (valid ID must be presented for purchase & at the door)
  • $40 for all yBR sessions for Students ($10 each)
  • Please inquire about Corporate Team rates to, or call 305-538-5130
All tickets can be purchased at Blissberry, located at 1650 Alton Road, Miami Beach, 33139 (next to Epicure). You can also email, or call 305-538-5130.

Follow yBR on twitter @yogablissremix


What to expect at yogaBliss ReMix

Each monthly session of yogaBliss ReMix, will follow the same format:
  • Doors open at 6:00p (general admission) - Participants and Corporate Teams arrive to set-up their mat and position in Ironside, meet fellow participants, enjoy the pre-yBR music by local artists, and engage with Sponsors to receive special offers.

  • yBR begins promptly at 7:00p and lasts approximately 75mins

  • Social session afterward lasts until 10p  - participants interact with each other and sponsors while enjoying food, beverages and other SWAG. There will be contests to enter throughout the series and during each yBR. Winners will be announced during each Social Session
  • Photoboard: all photos posted online and submitted to yBR will be posted on the yBR photoboard

More information and updates will be posted daily on this blog and on the Blissberry Facebook Page.

Sep 6, 2010

Tickets for yogaBliss ReMix (yBR)

Be a part of yogaBliss Remix by getting your tickets in advance.

Choose from...
  • $40.00 at the door
  • $30.00 for advance tickets
  • $80 for all 4 yBR sessions ($20 each)
  • $15 per ticket for Students (valid ID must be presented for purchase & at the door)
  • $40 for all yBR sessions for Students ($10 each)
  • Please inquire about Corporate Team rates to, or call 305.538.5130. 
All tickets can be purchased at Blissberry, located at 1650 Alton Road, Miami Beach, 33139 (next to Epicure). You can also email, or call 305-538-5130.

follow yBR on twitter @yogablissremix

Click here to learn about the entire yogaBliss ReMix experience

What to expect at yogaBliss ReMix

Each monthly session of yogaBliss ReMix, will follow the same format:
  • Doors open at 6:00p (general admission) - Participants and Corporate Teams arrive to set-up their mat and position in Ironside, meet fellow participants, enjoy the pre-yBR music by local artists, and engage with Sponsors to receive special offers.

  • yBR begins promptly at 7:00p and lasts approximately 75mins

  • Social session afterward lasts until 10p  - participants interact with each other and sponsors while enjoying food, beverages and other SWAG. There will be contests to enter throughout the series and during each yBR. Winners will be announced during each Social Session

  • Photoboard: all photos posted online and submitted to yBR will be posted on the yBR photoboard

Tips on how to have the best yBR experience
  1. Arrive early! The sooner you arrive the more spaces you'll have to choose from for parking and in movement area. yBR begins promptly at 7p, doors open at 6p.
  2. Complete and submit your release form before each yBR (one time form for those who purchase the entire series). This will allows through the express check-in and avoid lines.
  3. Bring as little as possible with you. Just as you would when you go to the gym or to yoga studio - less is best! However, we do encourage cameras. There will be a Shoe Check since we do not wear shoes in yoga, where you can check your personal belongings as well. For safety, the only items allowed in the movement area is 1 water container per person.
  4. Read the Safety and Yoga Tips. no fun showing up in uncomfortable gear or unaware of important details. There will be a Safety Team on-site. 
  5. Ask questions! Post your questions and comments on the blog for everyone's benefit. Each yBR is loaded with our squad for guidance, information and to ensure you and your squad have the best experience.
  6. Come with friends & co-workers. yogaBliss ReMix is about Bliss (its says it right in the title). We are most blissful when we experience things with people we enjoy! Plus, you can be the cool one who introduces your peeps to yBR :)
  7. Smile and be prepared for some musically charged movement :)

    More information and updates will be posted daily on this blog and on the Blissberry Facebook Page.

    Sep 1, 2010

    Blissberry announces yogaBliss ReMix!

    On the first day of National Yoga Month, Blissberry is thrilled to announce our 4 month movement-music series :
    yogaBliss ReMix (yBR)

    yogaBliss ReMix is an interactive monthly event series combining movement and music. yBR allows you to connect with your passions, whether it be fitness, health, music, socializing or all of the above. yBR gets people  out of the studio and gym  for an experience designed around different genres of music performed by DJ’s, live bands and other talent.

    yBR is 4 month series yBR mixing yogis, music lovers, gym enthusiasts, professionals, and people who love to socialize in a healthy, entertaining and Interactive atmosphere.

    Yoga is led by Cat Haayen, creator and CEO of YOGathletA® and is produced by Blissberry®. Breathe in and Bliss out with Cat who also created yogaBliss in conjunction with Blissberry® - guided sequences to help remove physical and emotional impurities that prevent us from achieving overall wellbeing. yogaBliss not only puts a smile on your face but will have your personal outlook blissed out – beware, it’s very contagious! All levels can participate.

    click to enlarge image

    Series One Schedule:

    • Thurs: September 9th  - Invitation Only , SneakPreview
    • Thurs: September 23rd
      Tiffany Houser : DJ – House Mash Ups
    • Thurs: October 21st
      Ess & Emm : Female DJ Duo, 80’s NuDisco/Rock
    • Wed: November 17th (Miami Dolphins game on 18th)   
      Angela Laino & A Natural : Live Band, Funk/Soul
    • Thurs: December 16th
      DJ Irie : Hip Hop

    More information and updates will be posted daily on this blog and on the Blissberry Facebook Page and on this blog :)

    For ticket information and Corporate Team information contact, call 305.538.5130, or click here

    Aug 30, 2010

    Group Cleanse Sept 13 - 19 : Miami Beach

    Summer fun is coming to an end and as we look forward to the change in weather, our bodies and minds are looking forward to falling back into balance.

    Join Blissberry as we host our Group Fall Cleanse Program at
    SoBe Pilates located at 950 Arthur Godfrey Road, Miami Beach, FL 33140.
    click to enlarge

    Group Program Dates 
    • 3 Day Cleanse: Monday, Sept 13 – Thursday, Sept 16
    • 6 Day Cleanse: Monday, Sept 13 – Sunday, Sept 19
    • Monday, Sept 13 is the overview of the program;
      Detox begins on Tuesday, Sept 14

    Q: How do I determine the length of my Cleanse?
    A: If this is your first time cleansing, detoxing or fasting, start with committing to the 3 Day Cleanse. If you feel as though you can continue cleansing during the program, let the Group Leader know and you will continue receiving a daily package until you want to commence. Same goes if you haven’t cleansed within the past 12 months. If you are a regular cleanser/faster, then go for the 6 Day Cleanse!

    Q: Can I eat anything or take vitamins while on this program?
    A: The items you receive in your daily cleanse package will be the only things you consume during your program. The only outside consumption can be filtered, distilled and coconut water. If you have a specific medical condition, which requires a food and/or vitamin regimen, you must disclose this information with your Group Leader during your screening. Your daily package should be perfect for the duration of your cleanse. Even though it’s a calorically restrictive regimen, you are eliminating the energy required for digestion. The Day 1 Session on September 13th will review the approved snacks if it is necessary to consume extra.

    Q: How much weight can I expect to lose while on this program?
    A: Please note, this is a nutritional cleanse designed to give your digestive system a rest and allow your body to eliminate toxins and undigested food in your system. If you lose weight while cleansing, then that’s a bonus. If you have weight to lose, you will lose it. If you don’t, you won’t on this program.  However, if weight control is your goal, this cleanse will put you on a path towards healthier habits. Many people report being able to focus more on what it is they are putting into their body after a cleanse. Make this your goal in preparing for your cleanse, and ask yourself, “What am I going to do when this cleanse is over?” It’s an opportunity to “reset.”

    Once you book your spot in this program, you will review your goals with your Group Leader from Blissberry, to ensure you receive the optimal items in your program and that your personal schedule will work with this program.  Please review the Pre-Cleanse Strategy which will be sent to you once your spot is booked. This will set you up for a successful and comfortable cleanse.

    The complete instructions for this program will be given to you and reviewed on Monday, September 13th.  The Cleansing begins on Tuesday, September 14th for both 3 and 6 Day Cleansers.

    To book your spot or for inquiries, please contact 305.538.5130,, or stop into Blissberry located at 1650 Alton Rd (next to Epicure) from 11a – 5p, Monday – Friday to speak with Tiffany Houser.

    We look forward to bringing you back to balance!

    Check out our deal on Living Social Today!

    $10 to Spend on Frozen Yogurt, Juices, and Bubble Teas for $5!

    Living Social Deal!

    Click here to grab this amazing deal!

    Aug 27, 2010


    Thanks to our good friend Jenny, we now have crumbled cupcakes as a topping for our yummy frozen yogurt!  So exciting!!!

    Aug 26, 2010

    MMmmmm Strawberry!

    Blissberry's featured flavor this week is Strawberry!  I like to put fresh strawberries and granola on mine.  Heaven.......

    Aug 25, 2010

    Come & Get Your Cupcake Fix @ Blissberry

    Blissberry just got a package and it smells great!  Teatime Cakes cupcakes make everyone Blissful!!  What's your favorite flavor?  

    Did you know you can custom order cakes and cupcakes and pick them up at our store?  
    Choose from Vanilla, Red Velvet, Cookies n Cream, Chocolate, and Vanilla Hazelnut Cupcakes with Vanilla, Cream Cheese Vanilla, Chocolate, or Cookies n Cream Frosting!

    Contact for details.